About Us

Ear Nose and Throat Victoria is a group of experienced independent ENT Surgeons.

Each Specialist underwent Surgical training here in Victoria and are full members of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

Amongst the group we have Professors, Public Hospital Heads of Unit and Royal College of Surgeons Examiners.

Each surgeon in the group is able to draw on a wide breadth of skills and knowledge. The various Surgeons frequently collaborate to manage complex cases and to provide each patient with confidence that they are receiving the best possible care.

The Specialists at Ear, Nose and Throat also work closely with allied specialties including speech pathology, audiology, radiology, paediatrics and neurology.

Our dedicated General Practice hotline ensures that your referring doctor can rapidly access premium care for you or your loved one. We aim to see any urgent cases within 24-48 hours.

Make an appointment today

Please contact us via Head Office (03) 9895 0400 for any questions or to book a prompt appointment.


Ear Nose and Throad Victoria